Nine Hacks To Dressing Your Child For Under $200 A Year!

Nine hacks to dressing your child to the Nines for under $200 a year!8

One day your kid’s clothes fit like a glove, then one morning they wake up and nothing fits. Nothing is worse than shelling out hundreds of dollars a year on kids clothes they are going to wear for only a few months.

Here are nine hacks on dressing your kids to the nines on a budget, how you can save hundreds of dollars a year on clothes!

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Where Story Books Come Alive- The Magic of the Minnesota Zoo

Where Story Books Come Alive- The Magic Of The Minnesota Zoo9

She races down the path, blonde hair flying behind her. She turns, just to make sure that I am keeping up with her. I can see her eyes, glowing bright with excitement. She knows the way, she knows where she is headed. Her feet barely able to keep up, adventure awaits.

This is where story books come alive- where my kids come alive.

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Toddler Jelly Bean Shoes for Under $10

Toddler Jelly Bean Shoes For Under $102

I love to really get into the holiday season. To see the excitement on my kids’ faces as we prepare for the next holiday; decorating the house, planning our special meal, the crafts, and the shopping! I live off that high. It gives me something to look forward to. It helps break up the routine of the Stay-at-Home mom life.

I love to make memories with the kids.

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Has Social Media Conditioned Us To Be Fearful Parents?

Has Social Media Conditioned Us To Be Fearful Parents

I can’t scroll through social media without being on the brink of tears. Countless stories and posts about freak accidents, illnesses, and hidden dangers in my home. I just want to run and hold my kids tight.

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Lazy Mom Meal Plan

Lazy Mom Meal Plan

I am not going to lie, we are in a major meal funk at our house! I tend to make the same eight things over and over again on a weekly rotation. I am so sick of making these Pinterest worthy meals, to only have my kids not eat it. So, I go with the tried and true, and maybe try to sneak something new in once a while.

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I Did The Most Selfish Thing

The Most Selfish Thing I Have Done Since Having Kids

I did the most selfish thing that I have ever done since having KIDS. And I can say I’m completely fine with it!

Nope, I don’t regret it for a second. I don’t have mom guilt. I even think it saved my marriage.

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How To Refill Your Cup As A Mom

How To Refill Your Cup As A Mom

I am a mom of two young kids. We have our good days and we have our bad days. Either way the days are long, really long.

I find myself at times, missing my “old self”, the pre-mom self. The self that is not a mom. It’s hard when day in and day out you are taking care of everyone around you. You are constantly giving away little pieces of yourself. Sometimes, you just give it all away. At the end of certain days… you’re just empty!

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My world right now consists of the sound of tiny feet running across my kitchen floor, the endless train of snacks, and the busy bushel of activity. I’m a mom of two young kids. We live our life around meals and nap time. We are full of energy and activity.

Over the course of the last week, I have felt that so many people around me have forgotten what those days are like. The burn out I experience, the never-ending challenges I face, and the pure fact that I’m trying by best.


Our Wedding Day: The Royal Disaster

Our Wedding Day_ The Royal Disaster

It’s that time of year. Wedding bells are ringing in the air. Brides are gearing up for their big day, and the wedding invites are arriving to your mail box by the masses.

Every girl dreams of her magical day, the picture prefect day where she is a princess. We plan for months, we work so hard to have everything just perfect. I am here to tell you; your day is not going to be perfect. Things, they will go wrong.

Continue reading “Our Wedding Day: The Royal Disaster”