How To Save Big When It Comes To Pets

How to save big when it comes to pets6

Let’s face it- we love our furry four-legged friends. However, they can cost your family a pretty penny!

The cute puppy kisses are great but those vet bill can be like a toddler kick to the gut! The toys, beds, leashes, and gear all add up. Don’t even get me started on grooming cost- the dog can’t have a more expensive hair cut then I do!

So, here are some hacks on how to save BIG on your four-legged friends! These are all things I have learned over the years with our pups.

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How Sometimes I Am A Fifties House Wife, Read Before You Judge

50s wife

Yes, I am sure you’re going to hate me or have some strong opinions on this article. (I almost barfed even writing this… made me a little sick to admit.) Yes, some days I eye roll at myself also. However, there are many ways I am a fifties house wife and I love it.

In fact, it has helped my relationship with my husband and my kids. It has helped me feel better about myself. I used to roll my eyes at these kind of people- gag! However, I have started doing a FEW simple things to make me feel better about myself and they improved our family life also!

Continue reading “How Sometimes I Am A Fifties House Wife, Read Before You Judge”

Sickness Bucket- A Household Staple

sickness bucket

That dreaded bucket, you never want to reach for it but in the moment you’re so thankful it sits there in the back of the closet. Sometimes you reach for it in the darkness of the night, already mentally dreading the morning light that will come too soon. Sometimes you reach for it while you are full of the disappointment of having to cancel the plans you had for the rest of the day, mentally chucking out your to-do list.

No matter when, and how you reach for it. You will be thankful you are prepared for those running nose and green faces.

Continue reading “Sickness Bucket- A Household Staple”

Valentine’s Day Project for Kids- Love Bugs

Valentines Day Project for Kids- Love Bugs

Ohh… the joys of Valentine’s Day. I break out into a cold sweat when I think about having my five-year-old write the 20+ names on her tiny valentines. Ohh … the torture.

However, check out this easy (And food allergy- class room friendly) Valentine’s Day craft for your kids. The perfect Valentines that don’t require that dreaded tiny cards!

Continue reading “Valentine’s Day Project for Kids- Love Bugs”