Toddler Food Allergy Struggles


As an adult you have your struggles with food allergies.  The countless family gathering events where you take your own food, the million questions you ask at a restaurant, and the endless battle of craving those “off limit” foods. You take each of these struggles in strides, with a smile on your face.

However, when you have a child with food allergies, its a whole NEW GAME!!!

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Softest Play Dough EVER!

Since the Play-Doh you buy at the store contains Gluten, it was not an option for us to use.  I went in search of a gluten-free recipe for play dough. I think I have tried every recipe you can find on Pintrest, with many epic fails! I finally found a recipe through my daughter’s early education class.

This is the easiest, and cheapest recipe I have found. It’s also the softest EVER!


Softest Play Dough

1 Part hair conditioner (I used Dove since I know its safe for my daughter, however you can use any kind you find at the Dollar Store)

2 Parts Cornstarch

Mix until combined. Stays fresh in a zip lock bag for about a week.

How We Survive On A Shoestring

Grocery shopping on a budget is never easy for any family.  Even the basics add up fast for the average family. When you buy eggs, milk, and bread you walk out of the store $20 later.

When you add food allergies to the mix, it can send you to the poor house!

When my husband and I decided to go down to one income so I could stay at home with our daughter, we knew our budget was going to be tight. Our Grocery budget was the one area where I knew we could save!

We have two big food allergies in our house. I am unable to consume any form of gluten, along with my daughter.  After countless ear infections, sleepless nights, and an extremely colicky baby my daughter was diagnosed with a milk allergy.

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Milk-Free/ Gluten-Free Blueberry Cobbler

This Blueberry Cobbler is a real big hit in our house.  Not only are blueberries a big hit with our toddler, this is a great low sugar recipe. I love making this with our daughter.  She loves spreading the blueberries in the pan, and its also nice that it doesn’t require any eggs so its safe if she grabs the spoon and takes a lick when I am not looking.

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