The Most Unique/ Best Baby Registry Ideas No One Told Me About

There are countless baby registry list on Pinterest- pages of baby mittens, best bottles for newborns, and pictures of soft pajamas! You walk the aisle of Target, one hand on your growing belly and one on a scanner- you are feeling overwhelmed by the choices and the amount of stuff you will need. There are so many items that you will need for your little one- however these are some of my favorite items I still use to this day, that were never on ANY of those lists.

Now when I get invited to a baby shower- these are my go-to items! Things that will be a life saver for the mama-to-be. The items no one tells you about but makes your life so much easier!! These are the items I choose to give!

Carpet Cleaner

Yep, the best thing ever to own as a parent. Between spilled juice, a leaking diaper, muddy shoes, or a throwing up toddler- trust me it will be a God sent! It’s not something I ever thought I would need but when you need it- you so thankful for it!

Play Yard For Outside

This is prefect for the backyard, the beach, traveling, or for the living room. It provides a safe, contained, space for kids to move around – anywhere. It folds up to be the size of a lawn chair, so it’s easy to pack! You don’t have to worry about them picking stuff off the floor and putting it in their mouth, or anything like that.

It was also wonderful when we camped because I did not have to worry about them picking up small choking hazards (such as rocks, sticks, or bugs).


You will need this product by the pound! This is the only product that I have found that will save your kids clothes. It will remove grass stains, baby spit up, blowout diapers, and everything else they will throw at you.  I still buy the big box of this on the monthly basis from Costco!

Nursing Basket

One of my favorite baby shower gifts I ever received was a nursing basket. A basket filled with snacks, water, magazines, wireless head phones, burp rags, extra diapers, nursing pads. Everything you would need in the middle of the night. I put it on my night stand those early days of motherhood. That way I did not need to get up out of bed in the middle of the night.

Later I put one next to my rocker in the nursery. It was so nice to have those things within arm’s reach- nursing made me so hungry so late night treats helped!

Gift Card to Costco

That way if they either need frozen pizzas for quick dinners in mass quantities or massive packages of diapers- they can get what ever they need.

Comfy Pjs

Every mama needs a pair of comfy pjs! They will need something to wear in the hospital or for those first weeks at home with a new baby. Mom’s feel gross and just uncomfortable those first few weeks postpartum. Pamper those moms to be- make them feel special!

Give them some comfy jammies, a face mask, a new nail polish, and body scrub. Anything to make them feel pampered.

Treat Her To A Pedicure

When I was pregnant, I was terrified of not having “cute toes” when I went into labor. Silly I know! Even though they always make you wear those gross hospital socks when you’re in labor, I wanted cute feet for some reason.

Maybe because pregnant mamas can’t reach their toes or they just one part of their body to feel pretty on the big day- treat them to a pedicure with a gift card to a local spa!

A Hospital Care Kit

A small bag filled with chap stick (I don’t know why but my lips always got chapped in the hospital), spa like body wash, MINTS (I feel like I always had bad breath), tooth brush, fuzzy socks, extra new mom care items.

Include some small snacks (mom and dad) for those late nights in the hospital! Give them cash for vending machines, and for parking.  Things you don’t think about when your packing your bag for the hospital.

Bigger Size Clothes

Everyone loves to buy new born clothes- they are so tiny and cute! However, before you blink, they will need bigger sizes.

Buy those mamas bigger size clothes- that way when a growth spirt hits over night mom will have some clothes at the ready! Think a year a head- get 18 months or 2T clothes. Grab a cute hat or mittens for the winter. Get the items they don’t think of at the time- trust me they will be so thankful when they blink and nothing fits baby anymore!!

Gift Cards for Mom

After baby… things change. Your pre-baby clothes don’t fit but neither do your pregnancy clothes. You feel gross and frustrated. It will take a few months, an many clothing sizes to get back to a new normal. Give her a gift card to treat her self to a new outfit a month or two after baby. Its amazing how a new shirt, that fits correctly, can make you feel so much better about yourself!


Moms are showered with love before baby and right after- however a month or so after babies arrive is when the exhaustion hits, the hormones and burnt out. Don’t forget to check on those moms!!!

Drop off dinner, send a card, call them to check in, or send them a care package out of the blue!! That is when they need you the most!!!

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