How to Survive Being a Stay at Home Mom

Today I was More than a mom!!

When you become a mother, everyone under the sun will have advice for you on how you should do things. It’s hard because you really don’t know what advice to listen to or what to brush off.  From one mom who has lived and learned… this is what you need to do to prevent feeling burnt out as a mom!

Being a Stay at Home Mom, is hard work and it’s easy to lose yourself in the process. You give so much of your self-caring for the other people in your life. It can be overwhelming and hard.  Here are few things to make your life easier and to help you feel like your old self.  Continue reading “How to Survive Being a Stay at Home Mom”

Today I Was More Than A Mom!

today i was2


Today I was a patient… I sat in the toddler’s doctor’s office nestled between the toy kitchen and the toy bin.  Getting my vitals checked and recheck, as my back slowly ached from the hard wood floor I rested on.

Today I was a zoo keeper as I cared for and tucked multiple plush animals into bed.

  Continue reading “Today I Was More Than A Mom!”

Five Parenting Blogs That Will Inspire You

five parenting blogs at will inspire you

From that first moment, when you find out that you are expecting you start to read dozens of books about your pregnancy.  What size of fruit the baby is every week to the benefits of reading to your little one.  However, that moment when you get into that car for babies first car ride, and you see the hospital disappearing in the rearview window! It hits you! You have not prepared for how to take care of that little one!

Continue reading “Five Parenting Blogs That Will Inspire You”

Why We Teach And Don’t Preach

why we teach

When your toddler looks at you with that fire in their eyes and the devil eyed grin on their face, you can tell that they are just thinking “dare me…” Their toes just inches for the edge of the couch as they tower there waiting to leap until you lock eyes with them.

The terrible two’s, it’s not a myth! It’s a real thing! They are trying to learn about the world around them, seeing what the limits are and how far they can push them. It’s hard! 

I find myself countless times a day saying “NO”.  No you can’t have more juice, no the dog is not to be ridden on, no you cannot color on the table… the list goes on.

Continue reading “Why We Teach And Don’t Preach”

Trash the Dress Toddler Style!!

Trash the Dress Toddler Style
Almost a week ago we celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday. As any mom I made sure the day was extra special, including making her a dress that matched all of the table runners and decorations!
Since then,  I spent the better part of a week soaking, scrubbing, and washing the said dress. Battling the Jello stains, mud, ice cream blobs, and grass marks.

Five Tips for Kids Getting Shots

five tips for shots

Those BIG tear-filled eyes looking up at you, asking “shot?”.   Every mom out there hates seeing their child in pain. We know it’s for their benefit; however, you try to explain that to a toddler! There can be a lot of anxiety over going to the doctor for a child, in fear they may need a shot. And the minute you tell them “no, not this time”; The doctor will order a blood draw, making you the liar! Continue reading “Five Tips for Kids Getting Shots”