My Daughter’s Best Friend

best friend

My daughter has a best friend… she has four feet and a tail.


What little girl wouldn’t love to have a puppy for a best friend, right? However, this bond, their love for one another is something that is unreal. I would have never imagined that this tiny little ball of fluff would become my daughter’s best friend. Continue reading “My Daughter’s Best Friend”

Happy Birthdays Are A Big Deal



The sweet round smiling face, the cheeky grin and the belly laughs fill the air. Rice cereal replaces the sweet sugary birthday cake, and big balloons are tired to the high chair!

Half birthdays are a big deal in our house! We celebrate with style and sugar.

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Stop and Smell the Dirty Diapers


Stop and Smell the Dirty Diapers

Today I am going to stop and smell the dirty diapers. Yep, that’s right the dirty diapers!

The days when you’re exhausted from sleep training, you have baby spit up or your toddler’s boogers on your sleeve [black shirts are never a mom’s best friend], and the house … Well the house is still standing. You feel beaten, broken, and without hope. Take a moment to smell the dirty diapers. Continue reading “Stop and Smell the Dirty Diapers”

Motherhood – The Reality Show


Survivor, The Real World, The Apprentice, Supernanny, Hells Kitchen, Naked and Afraid. Sometimes motherhood feels like a Reality Show marathon. And you pick-up the remote only to find out it’s the same on every channel. Some days all you can do is laugh.  There are so many moments of motherhood where I have found myself – well just in that amazement of what just  happened.  How is this even possible? It’s almost just comedic how crazy motherhood can be some days. Cue the laugh track. 

  Continue reading “Motherhood – The Reality Show”

I Am Not A Perfect Mom, I am Just Trying Not To Raise Jerks

not jerks


I am not a perfectionist! I am not the perfect mom! I am just trying to raise my kids not to be jerks.

I think as moms we have such a high standard for ourselves.  We put such a weight on our shoulders that we need to be perfect.  Our house needs to be spotless, our kids need to have the cutest clean clothes on, we need to do all of the cute crafts and art projects, we need to eat organic free range antibiotic free food, and we need to have them in a ton of activities. We have to do it all, with a smile on our face and most of the time on little or no sleep.  However, we are not super woman.

Continue reading “I Am Not A Perfect Mom, I am Just Trying Not To Raise Jerks”

Mom Therapy


The swoosh of a child whizzing by your leg as they run circles around the room. You do a slow shuffle, kicking toys out of your way, as you make your way to the kitchen to start dinner. You realize in the moment, as you caught a glance of yourself in the mirror, that you still are still in your ‘uniform’ of yoga pants and a t-shirt and your messy bun has brought on a whole new meaning to ‘messy bun’.


You might feel frazzled, tired, like a complete failure. How can little people make you question who you are so much?

Continue reading “Mom Therapy”

Why Motherhood Is Just Like An Episode of Grey’s Anatomy


As most women today, I grew up in the world of Grey’s Anatomy! I am not going to lie I have binge watched all of the past seasons on Netflix multiple times! As I did, I have realized how as a mom, my life has surprisingly become a lot like the show!

Continue reading “Why Motherhood Is Just Like An Episode of Grey’s Anatomy”