Sickness Bucket- A Household Staple

sickness bucket

That dreaded bucket, you never want to reach for it but in the moment you’re so thankful it sits there in the back of the closet. Sometimes you reach for it in the darkness of the night, already mentally dreading the morning light that will come too soon. Sometimes you reach for it while you are full of the disappointment of having to cancel the plans you had for the rest of the day, mentally chucking out your to-do list.

No matter when, and how you reach for it. You will be thankful you are prepared for those running nose and green faces.

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Valentine’s Day Project for Kids- Love Bugs

Valentines Day Project for Kids- Love Bugs

Ohh… the joys of Valentine’s Day. I break out into a cold sweat when I think about having my five-year-old write the 20+ names on her tiny valentines. Ohh … the torture.

However, check out this easy (And food allergy- class room friendly) Valentine’s Day craft for your kids. The perfect Valentines that don’t require that dreaded tiny cards!

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Grand Cayman: The Most Kid-Friendly Vacation Ever

grand caymen


When we started to plan our first family vacation, or first major kid friendly vacation, I am not going to lie- my anxiety level was in overdrive. There is a lot to consider when traveling with kids- especially young kids. Plus, on a budget!

However, with a desperate need to escape the record-breaking winter, multiple rounds of the flu (yeah you can get it multiple times, who knew)- we knew we needed some sunshine and TLC as a family.

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Mermaid Christmas Ornaments

mermaid image


It’s that magical time of year- the snow is falling, the carols are playing in the background and the kids are hopped up on sugar cookies. The list is hanging on the fridge (all three pages) of toys that are hopping to find under the tree Christmas morning.  It’s the time of year were there never enough money in the budget and not enough hours in the day.

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Guess What, My Thighs Jiggle…


Guess what, my thighs jiggleGuess what, my thighs jiggle when I run. Yep. They do. And I don’t care. I run for me.

Guess what. I am not a professional runner. Maybe a professional toddler chaser, but not a professional runner. I am not going to win any races, or set any land speed records. Some days I huff out 14-minute miles as I push a double stroller with two preschoolers snoozing inside. I just breath in the peace and quiet- taking a moment to gather my thoughts. Other days I race to keep up with the dog, sprinting full speed. Feeling the burn in my legs and chest- which oddly feels so good and exactly what I need in that moment.

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Ways to spread kindness like glitter

Spread kindness like glitter

Here are just a few ways you can spread kindness daily to people around you. Let’s spread kindness like glitter this week. You never know how a simple act can have such a massive impact on ones life!

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Five Ways Moms Can Make Extra Cash

Five Ways Moms Can Make Extra Cash3

As a stay-at-home mom I know I am contributing to the family in a way. However, there are times I wish I could help bring in some extra “fun money”.  I don’t think there is a mom out there that would turn down some extra cash- whether it’s to take the kids to the zoo, to skip making dinner and eat out for a night, or a fun family vacation. That extra cash can be handy.

Here are a few creative ways that moms can make some extra cash from home or doing what they would normally be doing away!

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