Travel Tips- Traveling With Kids



It’s that time of year! We are packing it up and traveling to warmer weather. We all know when you travel with kids it’s not a vacation, it’s a trip. However, I have a few travel tips that will make this year’s travel experience a little easier for you! These will save your sanity and help you when you are in a pinch.


Pool Noodle-  Instant Toddler Bed

When your kids are out of a pack-and-play but not really ready to be in a big bed without a side-rail, it can be hard to travel!

Place a pool noodle under the fitted sheet on the edge of the bed. It will provide a great bumper to prevent them from rolling out of bed. Plus, when it comes time to go to the pool, you’re all set.

Extra Tip: If you are traveling and you can’t pack a pool noodle, roll up extra bath towels do the same trick!


Pack in Totes!

When you’re traveling with young kids, there is a lot to pack! You have to haul everything from extra baby blankets, diapers, wipes, bottles, toddler toys… just everything you own. Save the duffle bags for the gym.  Pack your stuff in clear tote boxes! It will be easier to stack in your car, plus you can see which tote has the items you need.

This also works great when your road tripping or camping. It makes it so much easier. Plus, the tote can double as a bath tub for the baby or toddler.  Who wants to put the kids in those dirty hotel room tubs! I found this to be great when camping, we just heated water over the fire and bathed the kids in the tote before bed!

summer time travel tips


Have A ‘ohhh poo’ Box for The Car

I have a box in the car at all times of extra items we may need. These items are things like extra diapers, wipes, a change of clothes for the kids, zip lock bags (barf bags), extra books, gloves, and shoes. You never know when you will be out and realize that you forgot to refill the diaper bag. Just recently on a car trip, my son got car sick all over the back seat.  I was so thankful for the change of clothes and those zip lock bags to put all the stinky clothes in!


Paramedics: Car Seat Cards

Heaven forbid that your family is in a car accident. At times, the driver is unconscious at the scene, however the kids are safe in their car seats in the back seat. If you have a card taped to the side of their car seat with emergency information on it, it could be a life saver.

Make sure to include any allergies or medical conditions that your children have. This will help the first responders on the scene. Also include their name and date of birth. After an accident, children will be scared, even calling them by name will provide them with great comfort! It also allows the paramedics and nurses access to their medical records!

Have a name and number of at least one emergency contact person, someone who would not be in the car with them. Such as a grandparent or other relative.


Painter Tape

When traveling it’s hard to make sure your space is child proof, especially hotel rooms. I bring painters tape. The minute we walk into the room, I cover all the outlets with the tape. Its low cost and it reminds the kids that they are off limits.


No Baby Monitors, No Problem

When your limited on what you can pack it can be a challenge to get all of the baby supplies you need to the destination. Baby monitors sometimes don’t make the cut. Something that we have done is set one phone up to Facetime in the room with the sleeping kids, you can take the other phone with you. For example, when we were camping we put the kids to bed, then we were able to sit out by the fire while watching them to make sure they went to bed. (never truly leave your kids unattended!)


Bring a Safe Place to Crawl

I am a germaphobe. Hotel rooms just gross me out. The last thing I want is my baby crawling all over the hotel room floor! Yuck!  When we travel, I bring this play yard with! It folds up to be the size of a lawn chair so its easy to pack! It provides a safe, contained, space for kids to move around. You don’t have to worry about them picking stuff off the floor and putting it in their mouth, or anything like that.

It was also wonderful when we camped because I did not have to worry about them picking up small choking hazards (such as rocks, sticks, or bugs).


Make Your Own Changing Table

In the hotel it can be hard to find the right space to change diapers. I always clear off the desk area, wipe it down, then lay down a few towels. I set up our wipes and extra diapers there. If we have some spillage when we are changing a diaper, we just take that towel off and put it in the laundry bag. It’s one center area to change and we won’t be digging in the middle of the night for supplies.


Busy Bags

Before we travel anywhere, I make sure I have busy bags ready. I fill lunch boxes with a few snacks, note pads and stickers, and the typical travel items. However, I also hit up the dollar store for a few small toys. I wrap them up in old Christmas paper. Throughout the trip they can open these items. They are nothing special; just some bracelets, a toy dinosaur, toy car, blow up beach ball, or something along those lines. Its something new and exciting. The best part is, if we lose it, it’s not a big deal since it was a buck!


Always remember, nothing will go according to plan. However, it’s all about making memories as a family. The extra struggles are just part of the fun, you can laugh at them later.

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